Scandal, revenge, prosperity and friendship....
Since Candi ( and Edith ( are both on a high-anus, and not blogging at the moment, the world of blog once again falls on my shoulders. It's ok though, they are quite broad.........and speaking of broads...........this skank hoe ( sometimes has things to say about her life spent lying in gutters and licking on those who dwell there. I keep telling her to leave those greasy winos alone, but she keeps insisting on ruttin' around with them and then stealing the change from their pockets.
I recently had some changes in my life. My rental unit that sat empty for 5 1/2 months finally got rented out. Hip, hip, fargin hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my room-mates (Queenie) joined the Coast Guard Reserves. I just hope she can keep from suckin dix long enough to get through boot camp. You know they don't much cotton to mincing queens.
Another room-mate (Martha) moved out to get a place with his boyfriend in Cleveland. I am really worried about this one. The boyfriend is a true piece of work..........some of the things he tells Martha sound strikingly familiar. It sounds as though he is screwing around on her. It seems he might have even banged one of her sisters. I tried calling Martha 3 times but she's not returning my calls. Of course that may have something to do with the fact that she moved out with only 2 weeks notice and didn't pay her rent. So as you can imagine I am torn. On the one hand I want to shake the heiffa and make her see that her man is a snake, snake, snake!!!!!!..............of course the petty side of me wants to say "That heartbreak that you are gonna get is what-cha git for phukkin me over!!! You stank-@ss hoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hopefully, when she finally sees what's happening, I can be a better person that I feel like right now....hopefully I will give her a hug and tell her things will get better.
I had a third roommate (Antichrist) that screwed over one of my oldest (and baby I do mean old....old...elderly) friend (June) back in March. I've been so strapped for cash that I couldn't put her back stabbin slit out on the curb right then......cause no matter what I gotta make that house payment. Anyway June recently seperated from Jasmine, and is moved back in with me. Yippee skippy!!!!! Cause' I gave the Antichrist a 30 days notice and kicked that kunt-face right the phuk outta my house!!!!!! Buh-bye!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've written that my day job really sucked my @ss and not in a good rimmin' kinda way. Well I got hired in at a new prison and turned in my notice at the day gig. Babies, don'tcha know that they gave me a big fat raise to stay!!!!
Things really seem to be turnin' around for me. It's been a rough year but Honey pulled her sweet @ss on through. Yay, for me...........and of course a hearty shout out to the Big J for carrying me through when I doubted that I would make it.
And............something struck me girl, it wasn't a BFP!!! I was talking to a friend and when I said goodbye and hung up the phone I wanted to say "I love you." Now every once in a while I do say this to some of my friends. They know it already, but sometimes it's nice to tell folks. Thing is, she might take it the wrong way. The heiffa knows that I like her anyway. She got the looks and the smarts too. But this isn't the infatuation thing...and it's not the lemme bear you children and live with you happily ever's really more of just a "Hey b!tch, it makes me happy to talk to you. Your a classy-trashy dame with a good heart, a great understanding of people, and I admire your trampy @ss......(Allen)"..........................
That's my life for now..............and it's a good one too.