Oh the things that I don't know.......
There are a lot of things that I feel I should know.
Geographically, I think I should be able to look at a blank map of the US and be able to fill in the names of each state. I have a general knowledge of where they are. They just might be off a state or two. I think I should also know the capitals of each state. I should know the locations of the countries in the European Union.
Politically, I ought to know the difference between the Congress and Senate. I should know the names of all the world's major leaders and their titles. I should also vote in all the local elections and not just pick and choose depending on the issues at hand and how much time I have before I have to get to work that morning.
Along the literature vein, I should have more knowledge of Shakespeare's works and the writings of more poets. I should be putting my library card to use. I should join another book club.
Most of all I should have a better recollection of basic algebra. In the past year there have been about 5 occassions when I needed to figure something and the "FOIL" method didn't quite cut it.
I am going to make it a point this year to re-acquire some of the knowledge that I used to have. I am going to show that little shit at my day job who said that his IQ was 8 points higher than mine. I've forgotten more than he will ever know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!